If you wish you could be elsewhere, you are nowhere

We humans are so typical. What we have, where we are and how we are is never good, not enough.

Yearning to learn. Curious to know. Willing to change. All these qualities are very good and desirable.  The problem is when this borders on frustration. There is a thin line between wanting something intensely and getting frustrated that we don’t have it yet.

Things beyond our control sap our energy, make us lose focus. Let us do what we have to and then leave everything to the Bigger force. Rejoice in the now, in the current and look forward to bettering ourselves continuously. There is no point wasting our energy thinking about being elsewhere, doing something else. Being myself, doing what I do best, making the best of where I am is the key to content and peace. Let us not confuse it as being complacent. The content and peace drive us towards being our best.

Is scientific proof required to be happy?

Today I saw an interest group which talks about how to be happy at work, and benefits of being happy at work etc.

I am shocked and amazed at how happiness has become a distant thing. And how it is one more thing we need to be working towards.

Is happiness not something that is present in us? Of course, it is upto us to choose to be happy in the present moment. But, normally we choose to be not happy now. Because we want to link our happiness to something we want to achieve. This way, we think we will work more diligently towards our goal. What we forget is by choosing to be happy now, we become more focused, more productive. Thereby reaching our goal sooner. Isn’t that exciting?

Why dont we choose to be happy now(despite any goals that are outstanding) ? If there are so many benefits to being happy…

We are all on Probation all the time

When someone says ‘I am on probation for 6 months in my new company’, my mind goes ‘what are you saying? we are all on probation all the  time in all the places’.

I did not think this way for a long time, I believed in permanent jobs. Be it good or bad, I realize now that we are all on probation all the time. Does completing probation period in an organization guarantee me a life-long job? No, absolutely not. Atleast not in this age of fast, ever changing, volatile world, where even the temperature of earth is going up fast.

Not long ago, this would have been bad news for me. Because I wanted Job security more than anything.

Now? It seems like a good news. Atleast my personal growth is guaranteed due to this probation phenomena. I am constantly challenged to look out for areas where I have to improve, where I can improve and how fast I can adapt to the new demands of the industry.

What can I do to make sure I am continually happy even in this scenario?

  1. Accept the fact that change is constant. And I need to continually evolve to adapt to these changes.
  2. Set aside some ‘me time’ everyday to analyze the direction in which my life is heading
  3. Identify any improvements or learnings that I would need, to move in the direction I want to
  4. Schedule improvement time everyday- Time to learn something new – something which would keep me competitive
  5. Not to missout on the time spent with family. It is the easiest and best way of rejuvenating myself on an everyday basis.
  6. Believe in myself and my abilities. But not to stop there. Take action to reach out to what I want.


Stop Obsessing about Looks and Wasting time in the process

I just heard my neighbor saying that she joined gym to improve on her looks. I was dumbfounded. If she joins gym for health reasons, very well, good for her. But for improving her looks? I think she looks great, what does she want to change now?

Why are people so obsessed to change the way they look these days? Yes, it should be our goal to lead a healthy and beautiful life. But not upping the meaning of beautiful everyday and feeling miserable about it. Our life is meant to be beautiful and happy. Let us experience the happiness every moment of everyday in our life. Let us keep our life simple. How much time are we wasting in our life feeling bad about our looks or what we need to change.


  • Identify the areas of your life/beauty that you want to improve(if it is really required)
  • Identify the routines we need to do on an everyday basis to reach these beauty goals.
  • Include these routines in your everyday schedule and follow them
  • Forget about it. If you are doing all that is required, why should you bother thinking about it again.
  • Be Happy which is the natural state of Being.

This way, you are more  likely to follow the routines, and see good results. Good Luck!

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