Improve Performance or Elicit Performance

Every individual has potential beyond what he/she realizes at the moment. Realizing this potential and turning it into performance is key in improving/enhancing the performance of an individual.

Tim Gallwey put it as

Performance = Potential – Interferences

Interferences are normally emotional interferences like fear, guilt, worry. Coaching is a powerful intervention in helping people clear the interferences and achieve maximum potential.

I would go as far to say there is nothing like Improving performance. We can only Elicit performance from the potential that is already lying dormant inside the person.

High-performance coaching conversations usually start with finding out people’s “starting points” – their visions or life ambitions. Then, it moves on to explore the directions in which people need to move to achieve those visions, and the steps they need to take now to do so.

Coaching not only impacts productivity, it also positively impacts:

  1. Confidence and motivation
  2. Behavior change
  3. Culture
  4. Leadership


  1. Improved individual performance
  2. Improved productivity
  3. Confident Self-driven individuals
  4. Develop individuals who see opportunity in all current situations
  5. Individuals learn to make the best use of the current situation.